About us

Shamrock Space Services (S3) is a private Irish Limited company formed in May 2017 by experienced results orientated European Operational and Commercial executives and include highly skilled and talented professionals, who bring on board a diverse skill set, core competencies and valuable enterprise and industry experience. The founders of S3 have all worked with International Agencies for over 30 years in various functions and responsibilities.

Our customers and clients are the most important part of our business, without our customers we cannot exist. At S3, this statement is profound in that it forms the foundation of all our activities. We make an extraordinary effort to ensure that our clients are one hundred and ten percent happy with every service supplied.

S3’s management team are professionals with a history of delivering successful solutions and services. Today, S3 is able to offer its impressive body of technical and professional support capabilities to clients who are able to call on us for help whenever required.

If you have any feedback on how we can make our new website better please do contact us and we would like to hear from you.