
Over the following years, the range of the services offered will increase as more and more exposure will lead to more and more possibilities to integrate our abilities to offer a holistic service-set. The services we offer today enable our clients to seamlessly integrate one vision into technology, design, and language for enhanced business benefit. Our core services can be classified under the following headings:

Business Consulting

At the end of the day, it is an accepted fact that profitability is all about your business model and the overall efficiency of your setup. We have been fortunate to have worked with numerous organizations helping them fine-tune their business strategy and streamline their internal operations, leading to better services and products, leading, in turn, to enhanced customer satisfaction and overall profitability.

As business consultants, we offer the following services geared to help you get the best out of your setup:

  • Business Strategy
  • Project Management
  • Process Consulting
Business Strategy

An effective high-level business strategy has typically been seen to be the secret behind the success of most companies that have done well. Typically, every company has an avowed long-term vision, which is organized into smaller time-bound missions. Your business strategy is your company´s chosen path towards these missions, and are critical for their success.

Working closely with your core management,weI study, capture, and present your existing business strategy. Post strategy capture, we engage your management team in sessions dedicated to strategy and strategy implementation analysis. Typically, these sessions help you identify the gaps (if any) within your business strategy, and help your team arrive at a better understanding of the manner in which your core strategy has translated into processes and procedures on the work floor.

By the time existing core strategies, processes, and procedures are captured, your core management will be ready to engage in discussions leading to a reevaluation and enhancement of your business strategies. This will, in turn cascade as evolved processes and procedures within your organization. The net result of this exercise will be enhanced integration across the various teams within your organization and a greater clarity in terms of where your organization needs to go and what it needs to do to get there.

With enhanced processes and procedures captured and documented, your team will be in a position to chalk out steady plans for training and materials creation for identified departments within your organization. As newer and newer needs emerge, your organization will be ready to evolve to the next level of operational efficiency and will be ready to handle emerging requirements very much by itself.

Project Management

For reasons of both security and urgency, organisations are often wary of offloading complete application development or management tasks offsite. For such companies, having an experienced and dependable source of management consulting can be optimal. Your software stays on your premises and is handled either by your own people or consultants who work onsite, and the project and team is managed by a capable and experienced manager. Leveraging a combination of onsite and remote monitoring and systematized planning.

We can help you reduce your application development / management costs by offering dependable project management services. With an experience of executing a number of projects for clients of various sizes and requirements, We have the ability to simplify your software needs without your incurring unnecessary expenditure on these counts.

Please do get in touch with us to explore project management options that work for your organisation.

Process Consulting

Different organizations operate differently, and one of the main reasons for this is that their goals are different, as is their overall business strategy. Our Proess Consulting service offering aims to help you translate your business vision and strategy into viable policies, operational processes, and on-the-floor procedures. With every aspect of your operations optimally architected, designed, documented and monitored, you can rest assured that the overall on-the-floor efficiency within your organization shall see a significant improvement.

For more information on how our Process Management services can hep you reinvent your organization, please contact us.