
SEAM - Service for EArth Monitoring

A web application able to detect in non-structured data (e.g. twitter feed) a natural disaster event and create a collection of Earth observation data relevant to it. The application, based on a back-end and front-end design, will enable the user to register their filters on the data and to find in a single location all the EO data that they would find relevant.

SEAM3 - Service for EArth Monitoring in 3D

With the aim to simplfy the access to Earth Observation Data for non-expert users we have customised the SEAM architecture to exploit ready geospatial data for use. Leveraging on computer vision and 3D software technologies SEAM3 is designed to allow users to run various simulations and model earth observation data. SEAM3 can be deployed on Cloud Infrastructures and is based upon standard APIs that is optimised for processing on HPC infrastructures.